Breathing Technique

5:7 Breathing Technique

During an anxiety attack, most people will notice that their breathing becomes fast… shallow… and from the top of their chest (diaphragm). This often creates a feeling that it’s difficult to breath. When you consciously regulate your breathing with this breathing technique, you can switch your mind from a state of fearful panic, to a state of calmness, in just a few minutes.

Breathing helps to regulate many of the natural rhythms of the body, including the heart rate. By breathing slowly and from the bottom of your chest (your belly), you can engage the “Relaxation Response” through the Parasympathetic Nervous System and slow-down a pounding heart.

Here’s how to do it:

You will Breathe-in, slowly, through your nose to a count of 5, letting your belly expand-out, as you inhale. Then slowly exhale through your lips, as your belly contracts-inward, to a count of 7.

Do not gasp or let the air quickly in… but, slowly in. I recommend that you practice this breathing exercise for five to ten minutes, once or twice a day.

I’ve created a 10 minute recording to assist you in training your mind with this technique. It uses special sound effects to induce a very relaxed state, as well as, positive affirmations to improve your calm-confidence.

The Self-Help Tools for Technique
The Five-Seven (5:7) Guided Breathing Audio

Calm Your Body & Mind

Change Your Mind’s Perception