Panic Attack Disorder Treatment

Panic Attack Disorder Treatment

Put an End to the Vicious Cycle of Panic Attacks with the Fastest Working Anxiety Therapy in Huntsville, AL. You Will Learn How to…

  • Stop Attacks in Seconds
  • Gain Confidence
  • Disconnect the Triggers that Could Cause the Next One.

Panic Attacks are sudden and intense experiences of terrifying fear causing severe physical symptoms of a pounding heart and difficulty in breathing. This often causes the sufferer of a panic attack to believe they are having a heart attack or even dying.

When panic attacks occur frequently, a diagnosis of a PANIC DISORDER
is usually made by a mental health practitioner.

How to stop a panic attack?

One of the easiest ways to halt a panic attack is to use a regulated breathing technique called the five – seven breathing method. Watch the video below:

Other methods include:

  • Diverting your attention
  • The contrarian method of wishing it to worsen
  • Practicing a relaxation technique

What’s the difference between a panic attack and an anxiety attack?

Anxiety attacks are triggered by a stressful situation and can last for several hours.

When the stressor is removed, the anxiety attack stops. They are less severe and have many physical symptoms including a tight chest, nausea, rapid heart rate and difficulty in breathing.

Panic Attacks are much more severe and last only 5 to 10 minutes.

Treatments for Panic Disorders

The most common treatments are medications that often have bad side effects and cognitive behavioral (CBT) talk therapy that can require many sessions.

The InstaCalm Anxiety Treatment usually achieves fast results with most clients ending their panic attacks after just the first session.

Get Started Ending Your Generalized Anxiety Disorder Today…
With the Fastest Working Anxiety Treatment in Huntsville, AL