Anxiety Attack Treatment to Help You
Overcome these Fearful Events Fast!

Anxiety Attack Treatment Involves Learning how to Stop Anxiety Attacks Quickly & End their Re-occurrence During Your
First InstaCalm “Break-Through” Session
* Results Vary
Anxiety Attacks are frightening periods of intense fear, lasting for just a few minutes or for many hours. Anxiety Attacks are usually brought-on by worry about a current stressful situation or a response to overwhelming stress,
The term is often used interchangeably with Panic Attacks. This is because both types of attacks share the same physical symptoms, including:
Panic Attacks, which are more intense, occur for NO REASON and are of a short duration… Anxiety Attacks are created by specific stressors. Once the stress element (reason) is removed, the anxiety attack ends.
Another difference, believed by many psychiatrists, is that during an anxiety attack, the minds focus is upon the cause of this worry, while a Panic Attack’s primary focus is upon the intense, physical sensations being felt. These thoughts can create a fear of death and dying, which in-turn, can cause a long-term, Anxiety Attack, precipitating from the anticipation of the possibility of having another Panic Attack.
The specific worry or stressor is perceived as a threat. It triggers a part of the brain designed to protect you, by reacting in what is commonly called the flight or fight response. This activity is channeled through the sympathetic nervous system, which engages the adrenal glands to flood the blood stream with adrenaline and cortisol.
These chemicals are your body’s natural mechanism to help you suddenly freeze, run or fight an attacker. They tighten the blood vessels, causing an increase in heart rate and breathing. This sends more oxygen to the parts of the body needed for a strong physical reaction. All of the PHYSICAL symptoms listed above are caused by this process. The feeling of fear is actually created by these chemicals which spirals into the Anxiety Attack.
How to Quickly End an Anxiety Attack
In order to stop an anxiety attack, the brain must stop engaging the “Flight or Fight Response” through the Sympathetic Nervous System and begin engaging the “Relaxation Response” through the Parasympathetic Nervous System. You are taught these techniques with the InstaCalm Anxiety Attack Treatment.
Quiet Your Nervous System Through Regulated Breathing
During an anxiety attack, most people will notice that their breathing becomes fast… shallow… and from the top of their chest (diaphragm). This often creates a feeling that it’s difficult to breath. When you consciously regulate your breathing, you can switch your mind from a state of fearful panic, to a state of calmness, in just a few minutes.
Practice a Relaxation Technique
In the second session of the InstaCalm Anxiety Treatment you are taught the InstaCalm Technique the helps you completely relax your mind and body in just a few seconds. This will quickly stop an anxiety attack.
Refocus Your Attention to the Present Moment.
Close your eyes and acknowledge (and accept) the Strongest Physical Feeling you notice. Take another deep breath and slowly exhale. Now, open your eyes and focus upon the sights and sounds of the environment around you. Then, engage in some other activity, mentally or physically.
Change Your Perception of the Future Event You’re Worried About with Mental Imagery.
Anxiety is often defined as; a fear-based emotion about a future event that you’re unable to imagine completing successfully. Just think about the possibility of changing,
subconsciously, your perception of anything you’re anxious about into, “It’s already happened, and the outcome was positive… and WAS completed successfully!
This technique must be performed using a form of self-hypnosis and a specific form of mental imagery called the “Time Line Anxiety Release Technique. It “tricks” the mind into releasing anticipation anxiety in about 4 seconds.
I usually teach this technique to my private clients, during the first session of the InstaCalm Anxiety Treatment Program.
The InstaCalm Anxiety Treatment usually achieves fast results with most clients ending their anxiety attacks after just the first session.
Get Started Ending Your Public Speaking Anxiety Today…
With the Fastest Working Anxiety Treatment in Huntsville, AL