Fear of Driving Anxiety Treatment

Fear of driving anxiety can be a frustrating and costly problem. Getting to work, school and the grocery store becomes complicated when you must rely on expensive taxi cabs and others to take you. Driving phobia can be incapacitating and often robs a sufferer of precious time and activities.
Fear of Driving anxiety can range from a mild feeling of nervousness to full-fledged Anxiety and Panic Attacks. It is called vehophobia as a phobia by itself. The most obvious cause is having experienced a traumatic accident while driving.
Driving anxiety is often situational, such as:
This last one involves agoraphobia, when the fear is about “not being able to get away or pull over should you have an anxiety or panic attack”.
The InstaCalm Anxiety Treatment has been successful in alleviating this disorder’s symptoms in just 5 sessions.
An overview of this 5-session InstaCalm® Treatment is as follows:
Session 1 Desensitize all stressful memories. Learn the ‘time line anxiety release technique for stopping anticipation anxiety.
Session 2 Condition your mind to become calm and centered by just taking a deep breath.
Session 3 Anchor feelings of self-confidence.
Session 4 Trigger Calm-Confidence on demand.
Session 5 Improve Driving-Confidence in all fearful situations.
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