Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking Fast!

Get The Presenting with Confidence Program & Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking Fast!

  • Appear to Others More Calm & Collected
  • End Nervousness Before and During Your Talk
  • Alleviate Fear of Being Judged by Others
  • Rocket Your Career & Income
  • Replace Anxiety with Calm-Confidence

* Results Vary

How Does Work?

InstaCalm gives you the ultimate tools to defeat the fear of public speaking in the fastest amount of time! *

InstaCalm uses naturaly safe, cognitive hynotherapy and advancd NLP Techniques that can achieve quick, conditioning of your subconscious mind to feel: CALM – CONFIDENT & IN-CONTROL ^

This 5 step program is conducted in either 3, 4 or 5 hourly sessions in our Huntsville, Alabama Office. The number of sessions is determined by the severity of your speaking anxiety.

Best of all? InstaCalm helps you present with greater confidence the very next day, after your very first session. Click below to get started. *

* Results Vary

Where You Can Use the InstaCalm Techniques

  • Sales Presentations

  • Round-Table Discussions

  • Project Meetings

  • Private Meetings

  • Job Interviews

  • Performance Reviews

  • Important Teleconferences

  • Large Event Public Speeches

  • Speaking Engagements

  • Classroom Presentations

  • Teaching & Training

  • Social Events

5 Step Program

Your Trainer & Couch

Charles Beeson, CHt.

  • Board Certified Hypnotherapist
  • In Practice 35 years

  • Creator of InstaCalm
  • American Board of Hypnotherapy
  • American Board of NLP

Money Back -Satisfaction Guarantee

Should for any reason, you are not 100% satisfied with your first InstaCalm Session, you will pay nothing. And, any monies paid will be refunded. No questions askd!

Frequently Asked Questions About

Almost, all of our clients are able to present with greater confidence immediately after the first training session.
You are required to listen to a 20 to 30 miute recording every morning. Your weekly sessions at the InstaCalm office are one hour.
Almost everyone can use and get results with hypnosis and hypnotherapy. You will be tested completely for your hypnotic susceptabilty at the first session. Should you not be hypnotizable you will not be charged and the results of our testing will be obvious to you.
You will be provided additional sessions at no charge until your fear is gone and your anxiety level is normal.

Get Started Ending Your Public Speaking Anxiety Today…
With the Fastest Working Anxiety Treatment in Huntsville, AL