What is Social Anxiety?
Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) formerly called social phobia, is a common condition that is about the fear of being judged in social or public situations that causes extreme anxious-nervousness.
Individuals with social anxiety often worry they may humiliate or embarrass themselves. It often originates in early teen years when students can often be cruel and critical.
These situations often trigger a long list of physical symptoms, including blushing, shaking, sweating, anxiety or panic attacks, stammering, and nervous tension. The most common of these situations are:
Social Anxiety Treatments are usually using Cognitive Behavioral (CBT) Therapy; requiring many months of often frustrating sessions… and medications… with the usual nasty side effects.
The InstaCalm® Anxiety Treatment Protocol now offers an amazing alternative therapy that achieves very fast and lasting results in alleviating this life-destroying anxiety disorder.
An overview of this 4-session InstaCalm® Treatment is as follows:
Session 1 Desensitize all stressful memories. Learn the ‘time line anxiety release technique for stopping anticipation anxiety.
Session 2 Condition your mind to become calm and centered by just taking a deep breath.
Session 3 Learn to “Trigger Calm-Confidence” on demand.
Session 4 Improve Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem.
Get Started Ending Your Public Speaking Anxiety Today…
With the Fastest Working Anxiety Treatment in Huntsville, AL