Stage Fright – Performance Anxiety Treatment

Performance Anxiety Disorder, also referred to as stage fright is a common condition that is about the fear of making an embarrassing mistake during a public or private performance and being judged in a negative way by the audience. It can cause such a state of anxious-nervousness that it can lead to a mistake during the performance by that individual.
These situations often trigger a long list of physical symptoms, including blushing, shaking, sweating, anxiety or panic attacks, stammering, and nervous tension. The most common of these situations are:
The most common treatments are private couching, cognitive behavioral (CBT) therapy; requiring many months of often frustrating sessions… and medications… with the usual nasty side effects.
The InstaCalm® Anxiety Treatment now offers an amazing alternative therapy that achieves very fast and lasting results in alleviating this career-destroying anxiety disorder.
An overview of this 5-session InstaCalm® Treatment is as follows:
Session 1 Desensitize all stressful memories. Learn the ‘time line anxiety release technique for stopping anticipation anxiety.
Session 2 Condition your mind to become calm and centered by just taking a deep breath.
Session 3 Anchor feelings of self-confidence.
Session 4 Trigger Calm-Confidence on demand.
Session 5 Improve Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem.
Get Started Ending Your Public Speaking Anxiety Today…
With the Fastest Working Anxiety Treatment in Huntsville, AL